Signals in transmission

    Pandemic 1030 days ago

    I started reading Camus at the opening of the plague. It was a book a lost friend recommended to me years ago, before anyone was thinking about pandemics. Eventually we realized no one had been thinking about her either. So it goes. Albert outlined the beginning of the pandemic quite accurately. For many weeks people denied the possibility. Nobody wanted to believe it was happening again, not in their town, not to their neighbors and friends.

    introductions may be in order 1069 days ago

    Pretty hot day yesterday. Today the smoke is blocking out the sun, keeping it cool. Pretty surreal how fires hundreds of miles away can significantly affect the local climate. Like a butterfly flapping on the other side of the earth, giving me lung disease. Outcome is the same, anyhow. I’m coughing up coarse red phlegm but don’t blame the cigarettes today, but also don’t feel much like lighting up. I get breathers from the cancer sticks, but this envelops and pervades.

    zombie 1150 days ago

    The sun is hot and the air cool. June is weird in Cascadia. I’m walking down the street, my pace agitated. I’m looking for a zombie. They’re easy to find, mostly. They don’t wear many markers of their infection, not for many years without treatment, but you can usually spot them. The disease tends to infect the poor. I’m an opportunist: any zombie will do, but specifically, I’m looking for a homeless person.